Judy has entered her Saturn period and would like to provide various healing and educational offerings. The Saturn period sometimes has a bad reputation but it can be quite an amazing period if one lets go, goes deeper and connects to their higher purpose. She has found it very helpful when doing more healings, going to spiritual retreats, teaching and helping others. She has witnessed for herself and others, when there is inner resistance to inner change… the growth pains were a little louder.
Speaking of louder, Judy has been noticing for the past few weeks a “louder” weight of inner noise. And observed that she is not alone. She would like to practice the teachings of Saint Francis:
…O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds…
She hopes through these offerings, we can dive together into a deeper self-realization, inner growth and spiritual wisdom.
This special ends February 27 at 5pm ET/Atlanta Time. The healing or tutorial sessions must be booked during her Saturn period (now) until May 4, 2023 (Wesak Festival is May 5).
Healing Special 1008 - Limited spots, first 8 people.
Tune-Up Special Online 180 - Limited spots, first 18 people.
Tune-Up Special Offline 810 - Limited spots, first 8 people.
Better Healer Tutorial Special 108 - Limited spots, first 18 people.
8 1-hr sessions for $1008 (Savings nearly $600, $126/session)
2 Tune-Up sessions, 30 minutes each. Online or offline sessions
10 30-min Tune-up Specials. Offline
1.5-hour Pranic Healing review session. If you have taken Pranic Healing and need a private tutorial, and would like to enhance your healing skills then sign up for this special opportunity. Learn tips to become a better healer for yourself and others. Please email Judy, if you have any specific questions.