The Significance of Meditating during the Full Moon
The energy of the Sun and the astrological alignment provides unique types of energies which can be used for positive change during the 5 days of the Full Moon - the day of the peak, 2 days prior and 2 days after. Why? Well, let’s dive in a little.
What is a Full Moon? A Full Moon occurs when the Moon has moved in its orbit so that Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. While the Moon shows its lit face on Earth on one side, the Sun shines on Earth on the other side (see diagram 1). The opposite occurs at New Moon.
Tides of the Ocean are affected. During the full moon, the alignment of Sun, Earth and Moon creates a shift of the gravitational pull causing the tides to be affected. About 70% of Earth is water. Humans, depending on age and other factors also about 60 - 70% During Full Moon, the tides within the human body or emotions can be affected. Hospitals have reported that there seems to be higher deliveries or emergencies during the Full Moon. Police stations and mental institutions have also noticed higher activity during/around the Full Moon. Menstrual cycles for many women often follow the 28 days moon cycle.
We can leverage the astrological alignment during the time of the Full Moon. One important thing to clarify is that we are not meditating ON the Moon. We are actually taking advantage of the impact the Sun has on Earth at the time of the Full Moon. It is a period of tremendous downpour of spiritual energies especially because the Sun is directly shining on the Earth, see diagram 1 and 2, Each Festival brings certain set of qualities to Earth. When we are aware of these subtle energies, we can leverage this to meditate and bless for the expansion of human consciousness.
This is an opportunity for group work and enhance good-will and the will-to-do-good. When we meditate in worldwide service for humanity, one can experience the tremendous downpour of divine energies during the Full Moon and use these special energies to bless our families, wishes, dreams, goals, projects and our lives. This is a wonderful way to bless the earth with loving-kindness, compassion, peace, good-will and the will-to-do-good qualities to the troubled spots in our world.
The power of a group meditating together is exponential. The more people gathering to meditate as a group, the more divine energies can be brought down to bless Mother Earth. If you would like to meditate, bless the Earth and help human consciousness, check out below for schedule and registration link access.
“Meditation is a potent method of service to humanity when the mind is used as a channel for the reception of the energies of light and love and the will-to-good and their direction into human consciousness. And the moment of the full moon each month offers the greatest opportunity for meditation - particularly in group formation - to be used as a means of cooperation with the divine Plan or Intention for our world.
Moon’s orbit during Full Moon
Sun | Earth | Moon (diagram 1)
The Moon as seen from Earth
Position of the Moon as it orbits around the Earth. (diagram 2)
Interesting words to think about. The word month comes from Proto-germanic word “moon”. The Oxford dictionary states the etymology of “lunatic” is: Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna ‘moon’ (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).
Summary. We can help turn the tides to bring positive change instead letting the full moon energy bring tumultuous tides to our emotional body. When more people gather for group meditation during the time of the Full Moon can help re-direct the negative tendencies and channel love and light to Earth. We can also bring down the positive qualities to our lives and loved ones. By being more aware of these spiritual energies, we can bless humanity with these beautiful healing qualities.
Check below for the 12 Spiritual Festivals and positive qualities.
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