Special Offer: ends on August 31, 2024

Hair loss or thinning hair sometimes manifest due to various factors: degree of healthiness of the scalp or eye area, health issues, stress, anxiety, and/or environmental issues. Master Choa Kok Sui says often for thinning hair (for the head particularly) is because the scalp is depleted and clairvoyantly seen as light gray or yellowish gray. This healing series will focus on removing stress energies replenish areas that are depleted to bring balance back to the targeted area to stimulate more growth and strength.

All sessions are offline three sessions per week. Read below for Price List and Bundle Package:

THE HAIR PROJKT Bundle Packages - Have thinning hair or hair loss?

6 Weeks Program (3/wk, 18 sessions) Regular rate $810, Discounted rate $444

12 Weeks Program (3/wk, 36 sessions) Regular rate $1625, Discounted rate $777

THE LASH PROJKT Bundle Packages - Want fuller and longer lashes?

4 Weeks Program (3/wk, 12 sessions) Regulare rate $540, Discounted rate $250

8 Weeks Program (3/wk, 24 sessions) Regular rate $1080, Discounted rate $450

Hair Projkt
from $250.00