Dragon Year Special

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 1.01.06 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 1.01.06 PM.png

Dragon Year Special

Sale Price:$5,000.00 Original Price:$8,000.00

Biggest Savings of the Year

Extra $700 Off - Bundle of 40 Sessions - $5,000 ( Regular Discounted Rate: $5,700. Savings of $2,300) *** Grand Total Savings of $3,000

Must use all 40 sessions by January 28, 2025 (last day of the Wood Dragon) or earlier. You may share these sessions with your loved ones. Limit 1 per family

Offer ends May 10, 2024 11:59pm ET.


As the Wood Dragon year brings beautiful energies such as strength, spirituality and expansion of your gifts, it may also put you to the test in those areas and stretch you in ways you have not felt before. I’ve been noticing that friends, family and clients have been experiencing a deeper physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stretching, even to the point extreme physical pain, discomfort, fever, inflammation and illness. It’s been tugging at my heart to offer this special… may these sessions for you (and/or your loved ones) be an opportunity to heal deeper in the Wood Dragon year.

Much love,


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