Disinflaming the Body - Program 5.0

Sign up before Aug 21 for your discount.

Discount Code: LUV23 (expires Aug 21 11:59pm ET) 20% discount

Who’s this Program For?

This 3 week healing program is not for everyone. It is for you, if you are super determined in getting a healthier body, boosting your energy, understanding your personal sensitivities to food/other things and helping to fight inflammation in the body.

How does inflammation manifest?

Manifestation of inflammation in the body comes in many forms:

  • joint pain

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • digestive issues

  • bloating

  • swelling, affecting different body parts or organs, even the lymphatic system, respiratory system and/or heart

  • food allergies

  • endometriosis, urinary tract infection

  • body ache from head to toe, sometimes feels like a truck rolled over you

Other serious conditions may include: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, certain cancers, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Autoimmunity, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), or Autism Spectrum Disorders.

What were the Benefits of this Journey for Judy?

I have spoken to many of you about my journey in learning about food, mold, candida, histamines, oxalate levels, lectins and etc. Through some rigorous research, implementation, discipline, trial and error and some compassion to self, I have to say... I have more energy than usual, don’t feel like a truck rolled over me, much less hard-hit migraines, and have gained such a deeper understanding of the aspect of loving-kindness to self through food, environment, and inner healing. I’ve lost over 25 pounds in the first 2 months of the elimination and low-histamine diet in 2020 and sustained it for over 1 year… until my pizza/pasta/cheese journey in Italy/Europe/Brazil trip from the beginning of 2022 through early April 2023. Which I have to confess, it was a gluten worthy trip but my body went back to inflammation. Hence I’m offering to do this program again to help reboot my body while helping others in the process. ^_^

What is the Gist of the Program?

It will be rigorous but worth it...

1. PREPARE YOUR PANTRY & REFRIGERATOR - Lightly stock your pantry for the next 4-7 days. Do not overstock because we want fresh organic (not organically grown) vegetables, fruits and etc. Remember your first three-five days are fasting, cleansing and elimination diet. As we are trying to identify how our body reacts to various food items in the beginning, hence your “meals” are very light the first week. See below for immediate list of things to get:

Colon & Liver Cleanse

  1. Good quality olive oil (i.e. for salad dressing, organic, cold pressed, extra virgin)

  2. Grapefruit (1)

  3. Epsom Salt (non scented, ingestible)

  4. Psyllium Husk (Gluten free)

Fasting, Intermittent Fasting & Elimination Diet

  1. Low Histamine Nuts (see Low Histamine Food List - LHFL)

  2. Low Histamine Vegetables (5-7 items on the LHFL)

You can read in advance the elimination diet to understand how to stock your pantry and refrigerator. See Low Histamine food list.

2. FASTING & CLEANSING - Various forms of fasting will be involved in the 3 weeks: 24-hour Fasting, intermittent fasting and/or colon cleansing (If your health condition permits it). Fasting schedule recommended on Day 1. Cleansing is recommended on Day 2.

For reviewers, you can modulate your own schedule on what kind of fasting you would like to do.

3. LOW HISTAMINE DIET & JOURNAL - We will start simple the first week. The Low Histamine Diet will be implemented to help us understand how one responds to various foods. We will start after the Day 1 Fasting and Day 2 Cleansing. Journal your food/ingredients intake and symptoms or not symptoms arising.

Before making a change to your diet, please make sure to work with your healthcare practitioner. Do not limit foods unnecessarily, and have a licensed medical provider who is supervising your situation. 

For reviewers, you can continue with the low histamine diet. And if you are ready to experiment and add on histamine releasing foods and higher histamine foods, you can do so. Just remember to journal it. And be aware of any symptoms or no symptoms arising.

3. SPECIAL FOOD SELECTION - We will mainly eat fresh foods and avoid processed foods, gluten or dairy during the 3 weeks. You can read in advance the low histamine diet to understand how to stock your pantry and refrigerator. See Low Histamine food list.

“Recipes” will be shared. We can think of more culturally appropriate food recipes as well. Judy’s food "bible" for the last few years, see food lists.


  • Fridays, 1.5 hours. We will discuss the 3-week process, histamines, low histamine diet, elimination diet, how to get started and etc. We will discuss about inflammation, histamines, lectins, oxalate levels, DAO and etc. Judy will also provide tips on self healing, scanning, and her favorite recipes. This is also a great time for Q&A so please bring your questions.

  • Mondays (offline) & Wednesdays (online), 30 minutes. Healings are aimed to help you energetically detox, cleanse and reboot. Mondays are offline healings and Wednesdays online healing sessions.


This is a 3 week Program from Friday, August 25 - Sept 13.

1. Weekly Friday Lectures @2pm - 3:30pm ET (1.5 hrs) - Online sessions. Recording available. Can be viewed for 1 month.

Aug 25, Sept 1, Sept 8

2. Weekly Monday Healings @9pm - 9:30pm ET (30 min) - Offline sessions

Aug 28, Sept 4, Sept 11

3. Weekly Wednesday Healings @2pm - 2:30pm ET (30 min) - Online sessions - They will not be recorded but if you cannot join live, you will be included in the healings.


All online sessions will be via Zoom. Once you register, you will receive a Zoom link (at least 2 days prior to the event).


Register today! Sign up by Aug 21 to receive your 20% discount.

Discount Code: LUV23 (expires Aug 21 11:59pm ET) 20% discount

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Disinflaming the Body
from $250.00